901 Games Events | 901 Games

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901 Games Lorcana Open Play

Wednesday, Feb 21 at 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Come join us at 901 Games to start playing Disney's Lorcana! Bring that new build you've been working on, we look forward to seeing it!

901 Games Pokemon League Challenges

Tuesday Feb 27 at 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM

League Challenge

Registration: 6:15-6:45pm

Decklist due: 7:00

Start time: 7:10pm

$15 entry fee

Come join us for our League Challenges! We hold these on the last Tuesday of every month! We will be playing Standard Best of one 30-minute matches! 

Deck list will be required for this event (we have them onsite) and players late to the first round will get a round 1 game loss.

Series 3 Prize packs will be given out on entry and prize support will be in packs for 1st through 4th with prizes depending on attendance!

We will need from the players:

  • Pokemon official play ID (if you are a new player we will need this)
  • Decklist (filled out before entry with a link below for the list)
  • 60 card standard legal deck (E block and onward See less


901 Games Lorcana Open Play

Wednesday, Feb 28 at 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Come join us at 901 Games to start playing Disney's Lorcana! Bring that new build you've been working on, we look forward to seeing it!

901 Games Lorcana Open Play

Wednesday, Mar 6 at 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Come join us at 901 Games to start playing Disney's Lorcana! Bring that new build you've been working on, we look forward to seeing it!


901 Games Lorcana Open Play

Wednesday, Mar 13 at 5:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Come join us at 901 Games to start playing Disney's Lorcana! Bring that new build you've been working on, we look forward to seeing it!

901 Games Pokemon League Cup (Q1)

Tuesday, Mar 19 at 6:00 PM

Please join us for our first League Cup! Seating will be limited so sign up early by calling to have your spot marked down on our list! 

Limit of 24 players. 

Decklist will be required: This is a TCG standard event (E block onwards).

League cups are a step up from League Challenges, with more prize support on the line and CP points to earn! 

Players entering will need a POP ID, a standard legal deck with approved sleeves (either official pokemon sleeves or solid color sleeves, if you are unsure, always remember to ask a judge before the tournament begins!)

Limit of 24 players

Entry Fee: $20 Registration

5:30-5:45pm Decklist Due: 5:45pm

Start Time: 6:00pm

Prize pack on entry

Single Game (Best of 1) Swiss

Top Cut Best of 3

Prizes 1-4th prizes based on attendance
